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Rental tanks for tech and rebreather

Divetech has a pretty good supply of tanks for technical diving and rebreather use. Some of these tanks go by several different names depending on where you are from and it's common for customer and employees to get mixed up. In that regard, we've prepared this post to help get everyone on the same page when it comes to requesting tanks. Since there are a number of combinations of tank and valve, I've lists the tanks here without valves, and listed the valve descriptions below. We have also listed what rebreathers these are common on, however it is important to remember this is a guide and some customers use atypical setups.

This document is intended for technical and rebreather divers visiting Divetech.

CCR Tanks

Aluminum 13's (AL13)

These hold a volume of 13 cubic feet when filled to 3000 PSI, and their internal volume is about 2 liters. They are sometimes called aluminum 2-liter, these are mostly brushed aluminum, although we do have some that are painted black.

  • 12.7 inches long (without valve)

  • 4.38 inches in diameter

Commonly used on:

  • KISS Orca Spirit, Classic & Sport

  • Pathfinder

  • rEvo

  • Optima

Sometimes used on: ​

  • Megalodon

  • rEvo


Aluminum 19's (AL19)

These hold a volume of 19 cubic feet when filled to 3000 PSI, and their internal volume is about 3 liters. They are sometimes called aluminum 3-liter or S19's, these are mostly brushed aluminum, although we do have some that are painted yellow and black. ​

  • 17.3 inches long (without valve)

  • 4.38 inches in diameter

Most commonly used on:

  • KISS Classic & Sport

  • Megalodon

  • rEvo

  • Prism 2

  • Poseidon MK6/7

  • Titan

Not common, but could be used on:

  • Defender

  • X-CCR

  • Hammerhead

  • JJ-CCR

  • SF2

  • Evolution with travel frame


Steel 2-liter (Steel 2L)

These are white cylinders with rounded bottoms. They are sometimes referred to by customers as FX15, or LX13's. These hold a volume of 15 cubic feet when filled to 3442 PSI and their internal volume is about 2 liters.

  • 14.7 inches long (without valve)

  • 3.94 inches in diameter

Most commonly used on:

  • Evolution

  • Pathfinder

  • Megalodon

  • rEvo

  • Prism 2

  • Sentinel

Not common, but could be used on:

  • Defender/Hammerhead

  • JJ-CCR

  • SF2

  • Poseidon MK6/7

  • Optima

  • KISS Sidewinder

  • Titan


Steel 3-liter (Steel 3L)

These are white cylinders with rounded bottoms. They are sometimes referred to by customers as FX23, or LX19's. These hold a volume of 23 cubic feet when filled to 3442 PSI and their internal volume is about 3 liters.

  • 19.5 inches long (without valve)

  • 3.94 inches in diameter

Most commonly used on:

  • Defender/Hammerhead

  • Inspiration

  • SF2

  • JJ-CCR

  • Megalodon

  • rEvo

  • Prism 2

  • KISS SIdewinder

  • Titan

  • Poseidon MK6/7

Not common, but could be used on:

  • Evolution with travel frame



Inline Valves

These valves have the opening on the opposite side of the handwheel. ​Since they are 'inline' there is no right or left hand side. The only difference is the color of the handwheel. Black for diluent, green for oxygen. Commonly used on:

  • rEvo

  • Prism

  • Evolution/Inspiration

  • Poseidon MK6/7

  • JJ-CCR

  • Titan


Modular Valves

Modular valves are where it becomes tricky. These valves have the opening 90 degrees to the handwheel. There are left side and right side modular valves, and part of the problem is there is no standard definition in the industry what left and right are. Thermo Valves calls a standard scuba valve a right side valve, while Dive Rite calls this exact same valve a left-hand valve. It is more common to use the Thermo method, so Divetech will use this method if identifying valves as well. The term modular valve technically isn't correct as well for some of our valves, but it's become common scuba slang so we'll use it for our purposes here.

Modular valves are a set of a right side valve and a left side valve, like these pictured below. This is a standard CCR set, and is used on most rebreathers including:

  • Defender

  • X-CCR

  • Hammerhead

  • Megalodon

  • Pathfinder

  • KISS Classic

  • KISS Sport

  • SF2

  • Some JJ-CCR setups

Standard modular set.

Pictured below is a opposite CCR set, and is used only on the Optima rebreather The KISS Spirt can use any valve we have, but many KISS divers prefer this arrangement as well.

Opposite modular set.

The following describe the valves individually. The valve pictured below is a right hand modular valves. (Common side.)

Right side valve (common side.)

The valve pictured below is a right hand modular valve (uncommon side.)

Left side valve (uncommon side.)

Bailout / Stage/ Deco Tanks

Aluminum 30's (AL30)

These are mostly brushed aluminum, although we do have some that are painted yellow and black.

  • 19.5 inches long (without valve)

  • 5.25 inches in diameter


Aluminum 40's (AL40)

These are mostly brushed aluminum, although we do have some that are painted yellow and black.

  • 24.6 inches long (without valve)

  • 5.25 inches in diameter


Aluminum 80's (AL80)

An AL80 is the "standard" scuba tank found in most places around the world.

  • 26.1 inches long (without valve)

  • 7.25 inches in diameter

We hope this helps you figure out what tanks to request when you come visit us!


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